Things You Need To Know in Technical Interviews
I have been thinking about writing a follow-up to my post on Eight Reasons why Most Technical Interviews Suck, more from the perspective of the person being interviewed, as the two different perspectives are crucial for both the employer and the job-seeker to...
So You Hate Flash
Being in the internet industry (or outside of it, as well), its likely you’ve either heard people say they hate Flash often enough, or you yourself say it. But have you ever stopped to wonder at the hypocrisy and complete bias shown by this statement? For the...
You should Definitely see Waking Sleeping Beauty
In August 2009 I had the privilege of being able to see an early screening of Waking Sleeping Beauty, a documentary about Walt Disney Animation during the renaissance years from 1984-1994. For those of you who don’t know, the early 80s were a dark time for The...